
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello everyone! My name is Laura Jane Moody, and I have just finished my first week at World Race training camp. I am doing the World Race Gap Year program, and over the course of the next nine months I will be traveling to Cambodia, Thailand, South Africa and Guatemala with my squad, where we will be telling people all about the wonderful news of Jesus Christ.

I can’t wait to share about how Jesus has completely transformed my life. It’s only been two weeks since we arrived at training camp, and I can feel the presence of God working in my life more closely than I’ve ever felt before.

I’ve met so many amazing people here, and I’m beyond grateful for my squad. It has been amazing getting to share our days, doing devotionals together, praying for each other, playing card games, singing and dancing and praising the Lord side by side. Sharing our faith and our lives as we are given the tools we will need to share the gospel with the people in other countries we will soon encounter. I have never seen so many people all in one place who are just so completely filled with the Holy Spirit.

It feels like all the sessions we sit in, all the team bonding we experience and all the songs we sing are preparing us to journey together as a family to share the love of Jesus with those who need it. Which is everyone! Everyone needs to feel the overwhelming love of Jesus like I’ve been able to these past two weeks.

I ask that you would pray that we as a squad will continue to grow closer to God and closer to each other, as we continue to prepare to share Jesus’ love with the world.

I am so grateful for all the support and prayers of all the people who made it possible for me to be here. Thanks to your generosity, I am fully funded!

I am so thankful for all of you and I can’t wait to share more about the work that God will use me to do.

-Laura Jane Moody

12 responses to “World Race Training Camp!”

  1. Laura Jane, I’m so happy for you and all the exciting things you are experiencing. For such a time like this God has called and prepared you. Can’t wait to hear more from you. Cuídate mucho, disfruta mucho y come mucho. ☺️😉 Dios te bendiga abundantemente. Te quiero, te quiero

    Siempre, Arlene

  2. Laura Jane,
    Excited to see God at work in you and through you! You will have hard days, but I know God will sustain you and go before you. Remember Him in the beauty of His creation, in all those you serve and serve with. Keep your eyes on Jesus, sweet girl. You can do hard things with and in Christ who gives you strength! I love you! ❤️🙏🏻❤️🤟🏻

  3. I am looking forward to reading about your adventures and all God has in store. Thinking of you all the time and praying for you LJ.

  4. LJ, I am personally excited any time a young adult steps outside their comfort zone. So much to see and understand around the planet! I look forward to your comments and discoveries along the way. I also hope you can fully engage your time away and not let the absence of home deter you. I wanted to travel Europe after HS but finances and fear kept me away from doing something really brave as you have done. It’s one of the facets I love about our international student body at church – so many adventurers. I’m sure you will emerge with a very deepened appreciation of human nuances around the globe, and how God, the Creator is the same where ever you are.

    Praying for your adventure and where it may lead your future decisions.
